Win yourself a pair of Lewré Bespoke!

For the duration of the exhibition from the 23rd of September to 29th September 2017, there will be a contest run for the ‘Most Creative Design’ sketched on a contest entry. The most creative entry will win a pair of Lewré from Lewré’s ‘I Love You’ collection worth more than RM3000. For the contest mechanics, all participants…

Althea Petal Velvet Powder

A proper introduction of my favourite face powder of the month – Althea Petal Velvet Powder. Yes, Althea! They are having their very own makeup range now! I was so surprised when I received the parcel. What inside the box was so so pretty, they added in some dry flower petals and citrus. It smells…

My 1028 Visual Therapy

很多时候,我们未尝试就觉得自己做不到。大胆尝试后也许会发现没想象中那么困难。不需要理会别人的异眼光,做好自己就好。生日 🎂 就那么一眨眼的就过去了… 外表看起来是长大 (憔悴)了不少,内心挣扎着想像女孩般开开心心过着无忧无虑的生活啊! 我长相没有很特出也并不太介意微整形可是本人怕针怕血。包包脸是痛苦的 x3!控制一下饮食再做些运动还可以维持一下,保留一丁点儿轮廓。再想想,若无痛无针无血,把脸上无光抹一抹涂一涂搽一搽,没有太憔悴太邋遢… 我也就满足过关了。看起来干净舒适很重要,懂得画两笔很重要,寻找适合自己的妆容和化妆品很重要很重要很重要!不麻木追随~ 😊

In the 4th Butterfly Birthday Bag : Beauty & Makeup

💝 Look at these beautiful items from the bag! 💝  The girls can’t hide their happy and excited faces when we saw these in our bag! The gifts surprised me but no, I didn’t scream! I went “Gawd, look at these *whaaaaa*”  Well, I still do it whenever I open my drawer.

Butterfly Turns 4

I’m glad to be part of the big family and I appreciate that I’m still part of it. I’ve been focusing so much on my career and my life (discovering process never ends). I was once slowly give up on blogging but there’s always a reason why I’m still here: I truly enjoy recording my…

Mother’s Day 2017

总是期待五月的到来,又很害怕它的到来。 年轻的笨蛋,还真的笨:盼望着五月每一天都可以过得开熏。想要每天都有浪漫美好的事情发生… 会期待那份小小一丁点的小惊喜。 但往往发生的事情都不在预料中的;都是一些… 我不想发生难过的事。还好第一段的烂感情,不堪回首的那几年,它把我训练得对事物淡化,很多事情也变得无所谓。只要人没事,没争吵,简单平静过着就很好了。 慢慢的自己也长大了,会思考着。人啊,还是得经历啊!🤕

The Tower

哟!钱花多了也没吃好的就不说了。现在每天都得OT到很迟,就算没事做了也得留下来。好累哦!每天都不想说话,不想跟人说话。如果能拥有自己的一辆车多好啊!粑粑不应该把之前的烂车给卖了。现在真的很挣扎… 别提 🥀


我真的真的很努力抽空的要更新我的部落格,记录一下自己最近的大小事情。 现在的工作时间是没以前那样松动所以还在很努力的适应现在这个状况。 我比以前更早起床了,更早出门,更迟回家,吃和睡的时间也被打乱了。 一开始老是安慰自己说辛苦一下也是OK的。 可是我不得否认年龄还是有差别的,熬跟不熬的分别:很 明 显!😩

牛头牌春节促销 2017
